"They are unmixable". "It's impossible for them to team up". "They are like cat and mouse". And an infinite number of other lapidary expressions that highlight the catastrophe and impossibility of forming teams that contemplate two or more different professions.
We have all encountered professional groups that are naturally at the antipodes of each other. It happens with developers and salespeople, with product and sales, with accounting and purchasing, it happens with many other examples where the suspicion of each other seems to drive them apart in every debate that arises.
The worst thing is that this is not the result of "business biology". It is the result of the incapacity of the leaders who work for these teams (yes, "for" not "with"). They are the ones who should flee from "water" and "oil", to observe that the team itself is the base, the water, and all the rest of us are soluble ingredients like "sugar" or "salt".
The main problem lies in believing that one group must adapt to the other or work for the other when they are two different sides of the same polyhedron. The lack of conception of "project" and therefore of "team" arises from the leader's (or "the") inability to create a story, an end and the same how.

The importance of leadership lies in the need to harmonize different professional groups to create a team with a common goal.
If we do not conceive teams as rowing teams, we fail to see that we are all part of the same block. But the creation of this block falls on a figure who must give human depth to the project. If we understand the team as a composition of indissoluble groups, we fail to understand that without soul there is no body.
If we succumb to the defeatism of "business biology", which tries to make us believe that there are antagonistic professional "species", we fall before the goal of leadership: the creation of a human group capable of launching or consolidating any project, no matter how big it may be.
Anything is possible with the right team, and not any leader is suitable for any team. Leadership is the adhesive that consolidates blocks based on dialogue, project conception, vocation to serve a group, and flexibility. It is the main responsible for the tragic maximalist visions used to shield a bad development and therefore, it is the first step to create a block sufficiently autonomous, independent, powerful and structured to move forward without fears and complexes of an individual.
Two or more different professional groups in the same team are an inexhaustible source of continuous improvement. They are a group of complementary visions that will provide the team with a complete vision. Let's take advantage of the opportunity to have a polychromatic team full of possibilities, and not succumb to a monochromatic and grey team because of the inabilities of the leadership behind it.
Let's leave the oil and water in the kitchen. If we have to choose, let's take water and sugar.