Do you spend many days of the week stressed? Have you been thinking for some time that you have to slow down your work pace? Do you end the day with as many pending tasks as you have started?
Today we live in a fast-paced world where we seek quick results above all else and the workplace does not escape this reality, often creating situations of stress and anxiety in many people. To deal with this, Slow Management appears, a cultural change within companies to not do more, but better.
What is Slow Management?
Slow Management is a branch of a larger movement called the Slow Movement. This movement opposes the culture of immediacy, giving importance to quality, kindness, humanity, and the appreciation of simple things above the current pressures.
It is not about living slowly, but living at the right speed and understanding that fast does not always mean better.

How can this cultural change help you?
The advantages of Slow Management are many, both in the short and long-term, but the seven most relevant ones are the following:
1. Pay more attention to details
Nothing is ever black or white, but comprises many dimensions, like a grey scale. Analysing our environment carefully and deeply will allow us to notice everything that we didn't even know was there before.
2. Appreciate the tasks and teams we meet
When you are in a hurry, it’s easy not to realize what a project involves or to get to know the colleagues with whom you work. Acting in a leisurely manner will allow us to understand our surroundings much better.
3. Go deeper into the work we are doing
We can often tend to stay on the surface of a task. Only with a qualitative approach, working with sufficient time, will we be able to get to the bottom of the work we are doing.
4. Give value to the emotional dimension
It is vital to understand how we feel. We must always pay maximum attention to projects, tasks and metrics, but we must never forget the emotional dimension that we all have.
5. Discover the people we have around us
If we are aware of the emotional dimension, we will also be aware of the people. In a context where teamwork is essential, allowing yourself to discover the people in your organization will give you a clear competitive advantage.
6. Enjoy what we do
It is also necessary to highlight the pride and satisfaction of what we do, to be able to see how we make a difference every day. If we drown ourselves in repetitive tasks and unnecessary meetings, we will not be able to understand it.
7. Avoid falling into routines and boredom in the work environment
Faced with frenetic work rhythms, everything can end up seeming the same, leading us to fall into negative work dynamics. Slow Management allows us to take one step back and take two steps forward.
More and more voices are calling for this cultural change in the day-to-day management of our teams. We are moving towards a society of "better" and not "more", with assured and sustained productivity and where we can put well-being in the workplace more at the centre than ever, to have people whose eyes shine.