Internal communication is a challenge for many companies, and good internal communication has a direct impact on the performance of an organization.
Internal communication is a tool that fosters internal dialogue within organizations, a key element that allows us to motivate our team, transmit a solid corporate culture, mission and sense of belonging, elements necessary to achieve the objectives and commitment of our collaborators. Our target audience must start with our internal collaborators, the main axis of the functioning and articulation of our organization, which will allow us to operate efficiently towards our external target audience.
The aim is for communication to achieve constant feedback and a certain participative dynamism. The benchmark companies in internal communication work along the lines of a good action plan marked by a good strategy, which allows them to generate new opportunities within the company, to efficiently manage any risk or crisis and to achieve better levels of performance.
Although we talk about internal communication, it is the most visible element to the outside world, due to its importance within organizations, it is the axis that supports all the structural strategies of the company. Being a pillar, it is still considered an unfinished business in most organizations.

How to develop our internal communication efficiently?
A basic principle for good communication in any organization of any nature is transparency and assertiveness in our discourse towards our collaborators. Transparency generates trust and is in line with our discursive coherence, where our closeness and reality are validated. Transparency being the starting point, we can work on other aspects to promote those values such as commitment and cooperation that will set the trend towards a sustainable model.
Strategic planning. It involves knowing the audience we are addressing, and paying attention to our team, our needs and internal functioning to adapt our communication and work in an aligned way.
Active listening. This practice is important to nurture communication and direct the integration of our team, from where feedback is obtained and raises the level of commitment and trust. Cooperative corporate culture. Cooperation should be a principle and not a challenge to achieve collaboration and participation of the whole team. There must be a recognition of cooperation as a value within our corporate culture.
Simplicity. Communication with our team must be simple and clear and respond to clear objectives without allowing for confusion.
Care. Within our strategic planning we can include different elements that mark the path of good communication throughout the whole process, starting with onboarding, which allows for accompaniment and a welcome manual to generate proximity and trust from the very first moment.
Having platforms or internal networks to create a space for sharing information and where team participation is encouraged and communication between departments and members of the organization is improved. From these spaces dynamics emerge, activities, from team buildings to alternative initiatives that can be interesting elements to generate links between the team, encouraging cooperation and commitment. Internal communication is like taking care of the soil before sowing so that our harvest is more successful. Therefore, it is what sustains our entire organization and is the visible face to the outside.