We live in an era immersed in the knowledge economy where information becomes a fundamental element in the generation of value in our company, when it is transformed into knowledge. Thus, there has been a transformation in the concept of competitiveness, in a world in which products and services are designed with the aim of satisfying the needs of the client. This client has multiple offers and has access to all kinds of information, therefore, what makes the difference in choosing a service is its comprehensive quality. The commitment and motivation of the workers with their company become a key factor for the existence of an exponential growth of our organization, since the experience of the workers will depend on their degree of engagement of the clients is negative, positive or exceptional.
The talent of our human team is what today will differentiate one organization from another.

As Michael Hammer said: "The secret of success is not to foresee the future, but to build an organization capable of thriving in any of the futures that we cannot foresee”.
What role does this environmental sustainability play in talent management?
If what we want is to be an organization with projection and growth, it is essential that the company seeks to attract and retain talent and, currently, there is a variable with a potential of engagement that clearly stands out above other factors: corporate culture. Being part of a company that represents us in values like our personal ones is decisive in promoting intrinsic motivation and the self-realization of our workers, aspects that are decisive in attracting, retaining and developing talent.
New generations stand out for the importance they give to the company's culture, its values and its mission in society. As the Stakeholder theory tells us, in the interest groups there is the possibility of obtaining multiple competitive advantages that allow us to differentiate ourselves as an organization, since to be successful in a business it is essential to create value: value for customers, for suppliers, for shareholders and for the community. If we stop creating value for any of these groups, a company has no chance of surviving. Working under environmental responsibility is today synonymous with value and becomes attractive both for society and the client as well as for the worker. In addition, it increases the impact of acceptance of a company's brand in society, causes a favourable change in the perception of customers to the brand and generates a positive assessment within the organization.
Having environmental sustainability policies creates prestige in our organization and is a factor for attracting talent. In addition, not only does it allow us to attract talent, but it also allows us to retain it, since it fosters a work environment based on values such as respect, equality and empathy and gives way to the existence of a relaxed space that opens the door to the exhibition of diverse ideas and thoughts. A space where innovation can flow without margins that limit it, turning the company into an intelligent organization, a type of resource that will differentiate us and make us unique as a company because it is intangible.
But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The reality is that only a truly sustainable company will have future. And that is why it is essential that all the people who are part of it become aware of how their functions contribute to the strategy of this sustainability. In other words, an integral culture must be developed where each one of the members that make it up apply the principles and values of the company with insight and develop them in each action and interaction they carry out, be it internal or external form. Our environment has changed, and we must look for new ways of managing our organization, action plans that allow us to attract, retain and develop new talent, because as Michael Hammer said: "The secret of success is not to foresee the future but to build an organization capable of thriving in any of the futures we cannot foresee”.